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Skipping lunch

Instead of eating lunch today, I skipped it to fight hunger and donated the money I would have spent to City Harvest (I rounded up to $10). Not that it was that simple. I had good intentions this morning in deciding not to eat at noontime, but then my stomach weighed in with something along the lines of, “but…you’re hungry, stupid.” To appease my appetite, I devised a seemingly clever plan: I would both eat and donate.

However, upon further reflection, that seemed like cheating. The idea behind Skip Lunch Fight Hunger Day is to go hungry so someone else may eat, not to just donate money. So, I ended up skipping that second lunch as well and donated $20 to City Harvest: $10 for the original skipped meal and another $10 for the meal I tried to sneak past my conscience. Luckily I stopped thinking about planning โ€” and subsequently donating the necessary funds for โ€” further lunches or I could have put quite a dent in my bank account by the time dinnertime rolled around.