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A message in an NFL player’s suicide

When former NFL player Dave Duerson shot and killed himself the other day, he aimed for his chest and not his head because he wanted his brain to be in one piece and therefore available for study for signs of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, which may have led to Duerson’s suicide in the first place.

Players who began their careers knowing the likely costs to their knees and shoulders are only now learning about the cognitive risks, too. After years of denying or discrediting evidence of football’s impact on the brain โ€” from C.T.E. in deceased players to an increasing number of retirees found to have dementia or other memory-related disease โ€” the N.F.L. has spent the last year addressing the issue, mostly through changes in concussion management and playing rules.

Duerson sent text messages to his family before he shot himself specifically requesting that his brain be examined for damage, two people aware of the messages said. Another person close to Duerson, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that Duerson had commented to him in recent months that he might have C.T.E., an incurable disease linked to depression, impaired impulse control and cognitive decline.

There’s nothing good about that story at all.