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A Small Store

illustration of a Korean convenience store with a tree with yellow leaves outside of it

illustration of a Korean convenience store

illustration of a Korean convenience store with a fruit tree outside of it

Always great to check back in on the work of Me Kyeoung Lee, who has been drawing delicate & detailed portraits of convenience stores from around Korea. Check out her Instagram for more work and some behind-the-scenes โ€” I was surprised at how large some of her drawings are. (via colossal)

Delicately Detailed Illustrations of Small Korean Convenience Stores

Me Kyeoung Lee

Me Kyeoung Lee

Me Kyeoung Lee

Oh, I really like these. The detail, the delicate realism, the muted but also somehow vibrant colors. Me Kyeoung Lee has been drawing South Korean convenience stores for the past two decades. There appears to be a recent book of her work, but I don’t know if or where it’s available (Google Translate isn’t working on that page). Doesn’t look like prints are available either. Yo 20x200, get on this! (via colossal)